Heyxu Advertising

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Heyxu Specials

  • 黑族以最便利實用作為軸心精神,整合資源,基於免費的原則提供大眾多元化的資訊服務。
  • 不斷累積網站經驗,讓網友得到最美好的服務經驗。
  • 擁有多平台支援的系統,讓聯盟網站同時具備傳統版本及手機行動版本網頁,讓網站引領世界潮流。

Facebook Page

QR-Code and APP Launcher

User Guide
This Webpage

In those service tabs, "Scan QRCode, in mobile device" or "Click the button, in this device" to open webpage or APP-related operations.
  • Auto Platform
    For better browsing experience, it will auto detects your device to display webpage.
  • Bug Report
    Tell us about the idea, problem and errors you found.
  • Comodo Secure
    The sensitive data transmission adopts by SSL-2048 authenticated encryption.
  • Copyright
    © 2009 YamPiz Digital Inc. & Jaby Group. All rights reserved.
  • Revised Version
    23 Jul 2024 (GMT+8)